IndyGo’s Dropped Routes Impacts Everyone

This morning’s commute via IndyGo was much longer than normal. IndyGo dropped the bus service that ran on College Avenue every 15 minutes during rush hour, which in turn added additional riders (and time) to my normally on-schedule morning commute. This has caused me to rethink my bus ride as a practical matter. If I were to stop riding the bus due to its possibly daily delays, that would add yet another car to the street, and other dedicated riders might do the same. If that doesn’t seem like a big deal, this picture places this in context. This would, in turn, add time to other drivers’ commutes as well.

This is just one example of how huge the new Indy Connect plan could be for our city. This is a fine counter-argument to the people who claim they won’t use it, or that it won’t benefit them. The service cuts need to stop, and stop now.

Comments 3

  • Ouch… Man, it's good to hear these first person accounts of how cutting service is truly affecting everyone else.

    Hey, what is your email address Kevin? I cant find it on the page, and Im not a member of blogger.. email me from the address posted on my page if you like.

    Thanks for the insight

  • I was definitely worried about this, but I never take the 17 until about 9:30 or 10. That's crazy to take away the 15 min rush bus.

    I will be at the indyconnect meeting tonight for sure.

  • That's too bad. The College Avenue corridor is an obvious place to grow the "IndyGo by choice" crowd. I'm fortunate that the Washington Street 15 minute interval remains in effect, which will help me when I move in a couple of months. It's too bad they couldn't launch the GPS capability before reducing these services.

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